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Case Studies

How we've helped our clients.


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Circumstances of accident

Our client, a port operator was operating a straddle carrier in his place of employment. 

The straddle carrier struck a pothole on the ground, requiring our client to complete an emergency stop. This emergency stop caused soft tissue injuries to his neck, shoulder, chest back, ankle, hips, along with friction burns, nausea, and dizziness.

Our client’s employer had not carried out suitable and reliable risk assessments. 

Our client could not partake in his usual hobbies golf, running or cycling and suffered extensive injuries.

How we helped our client

We obtained an independent orthopaedic report and intimated his claim on the employer.

The employer failed to respond to pre-litigation requests and so we had to raise a court action.


Upon raising the court action, our client was offered the full sum sued for, £5,000.

Accordingly, we were able to settle his claim quickly, and without the need to proceed to a court hearing.

We have a specialist team with over 30 years of experience.  If you or your loved ones have been involved in an accident at work contact us today for expert advice.


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